Serra Regional Meeting and Retreat Register for the North Central Regional Serra Meeting November 22 beginning at 10 AM at Christ the King Retreat Center in Buffalo, MN. Meet Serrans from throughout the region and learn new ways to promote vocations and support our priests and consecrated religious. Speakers include, a formator from the Saint Paul Seminary, the new Archdiocesan vocation director, the new president of Serra International, Dr. Ann Roat, and much more. In order to attend and have lunch, please click this email link for Charlene Zachman by Nov, 4. ([email protected]) Send emailif they are attending so we have a lunch for them. It will be $15 per person. The sooner you register, the better. Bring $15 for lunch when you attend this meeting (only cash or check is accepted.)
To attend the Serra International retreat following our meeting, please see the attached flyer for the details. It has a new link to register for our retreat. I also copied it below.
Deacon Joseph Michalak will be our retreat master. He is an internationally known retreat master and a dynamic speaker. In addition, every year we have a memorial service for Serrans who have died during the last year. Come to honor those from your club who have died. Presidents please send me the names, photos and a "short" bio of the member's history with Serra. Please don't send the obituary. I'm looking for someone to take this over for Michelle Fritz. Please pray about this compassionate volunteer opportunity.